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HTC vive

HTC vive



I would use my htc vive with Fusion 360

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I fully support this. Being able to manipulate things in VR and move around freely makes it an extremely immersive experience and very intuitive as well. When I was playing silly games on a friend's vive, I couldn't help but think that it would be fantastic for 3D CAD, so I really hope this happens. I think it would really separate autodesk from the rest of the pack and make Fusion truly revolutionary software, even beyond what it is already. I know it would take a lot of time and effort to accomplish, but I would love to see it on the long term goals on the next roadmap update!

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I have not seen VIVE projects in lab

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yeah the only thing I've heard of any of the major CAD tools doing was supporting some sort of VR viewer, which is far from what I think we want.  Parametric design in VR and whatever scale I want - that's the dream.  Pushing and pulling with both my tracked motion controllers, using pop up menus on each hand to select different types of tools.  There are already a couple tools out there working on these sorts of concepts, like VRTX and Kodon, but they're not parametric, and nowhere near as full a toolset as what AutoDesk would be able to offer.


3d design in roomscale VR where we walk around the model, pushing, pulling, sculpting, drilling, etc.  It has to be the future of 3d modeling... 

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Also - I think the guy talking about the beta is talking about Autodesk Maya.  Watch this vid.  But I think Autodesk would be wise not to limit this concept to the Hololens / AR, which seems to be what's going on with it.  I think there's going to be a much larger volume of people with Vives and Rifts for the next few years since Hololens is still really far out.  I'd like to see this work with the Vive (and not cost a small fortune for a license). 

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