You (or Autodesk) did sent me a mail..with some questions about your program. How you are, who I am , what I do etc.
One of the questions was: How long "didn't" you use Fusion 360. Being honest..more then 8 months! And your "program" willing..(wrong: "is"!) , working with it in the past.."better" and renewing fast and faster!
In your (or Autodesk) mail, I didn't get the chance to "explain" the silence on Fusion.. in my workflow. Being vanished!
"It isn't!!!" My suggestion is: "Give people, a way of chance, to explain with a simple: Why didn't we see you back..?
Is it about the program or : (Heaving an explanation "open" part to "explain", what so ever!
Giving an example.. Being me: Did answer all the questions "honestly"..and not having to "explain" where possible: BENG! You have a "WRONG" idea! Why? You didn't let some "space" to "explain"! So what is the result: You "THINK" I
don't like the program at all! WRONG! I just want to support you!!! But having other issues! First: Human beings, humans I have to work with..Traditional..! A "new" world frightening being= they would completely lost! So it isn't you program at all, who keeps me quiet! But my "partners" stuck in "what they " ONLY know! Ancients!
So you have my explaining any how! Should be your "space" to give and you didn't! Made me a "negative"..being "more than positive!" for Fusion 360!
Just wanting to help.. A multiple choice can give a "wrong" idea .. about it all! People "can" talk and write! Was it in the middle ages "we" only could write with a "cross"? Give "SPACE" to explain! And you were more popular as you think you be "now"!