THE MOST BASIC things and users must ask for this...
HOTKEYS are essential. "S" button "hotkeys" are NOT hotkeys.
ALT navigation is the most convenient and fast (instead all of those that you built in, frkn "brake your fingers" options, or, "I have soo much time so I will move around veery slow" options).
OPTION TO CHOOSE WHERE TO INSTALL THE PROGRAM... Essential. WHY you don't give an option to choose and why is your program so messy in terms of installation and existing on the hard drive? Maybe I don't want it to be installed deep onto C: drive, and also, I want it to be in one program folder and not creating garbage all over the place. Maybe, because of this your program is so laggy constantly if you create something more complicated than a cube.
Because of these 3 things I uninstalled Fusion, there are plenty of other programs. But if you will implement these things, I will certainly give Fusion another try.