It would be ideal to be able to decide the version. In Creo, there are iterations that occur during check-in (counterpart to "save" in fusion. This means that versioning of a component is expressed as #.#
Therefore when I save "component V 0.0" the new version would be "componentV 0.1".
Version is "0.1"
Revision is "0"
iteration is ".1 of revision 0" (1st iteration of v0)
When I choose to make a new release of a component/assembly, I want to be able to revise the component. Therefore the requested "revise" command would create a new milestone version (or a release) that can be communicated down into the PLM and ERP systems for logical chronological version numbering.
Why is this needed in my opinion?
Iterations keep track of all saves.. this is important for the current brilliant system that can separate all saved instances... however, lack of iterations of version (the ".1" in "0.1" )it makes it difficult to refer to a particular approved version.. this is especially confusing when communication with suppliers. For instance, fixing a particular version based on suppler feedback will result a new version, not an iteration.
To solve for the synchronization to drawings, I suggest that drawings will be embedded in the component.. the way a flat pattern is currently implemented. Parameters would also be shared.. and drawings would be copied with parts... but that's a separate idea, so I'll post it separately.