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Fusion's DRAWING panel "Crazy_Snapping" function is too much.

Fusion's DRAWING panel "Crazy_Snapping" function is too much.

The Drawing panel is fantastic, works great EXCEPT the automatic snapping function seems a little spastic; (in my case it often jumps around crazily) which is kind of annoying. Would be great to have an option to turn off snapping, unless I missed it somewhere.


Have you tried holding the Ctrl key down when you don't want auto snap?

Not applicable

Yup, that doesn't seem to solve it either.


I'm wanting to just move an element slightly to the side to organize things on the page, without Fusion trying to be "helpful" by snapping it to various points around the area. For the most part snapping is good, when setting measurements and such, but for text placement and for organizing the elements on the drawing page, would be nice to be able to turn off all snapping and then just move them free hand.


Not applicable

Here is another example of the snap function pulling the element back to where it was previously, which is highly annoying if I'm trying to organize my drawing page.

Not applicable

And here another very clear demonstration of the snap function applied to text elements inside the drawing space.


I'm trying to move it marginally up, to appease my design sense, and Fusion feels "helpful" spastically throwing the text element around the page.


A function is needed to turn this off.




Snapping is also broken in sketch. Sometimes it'll lock onto what should be obviously wrong, sometimes it won't snap to grid or other targets, sometimes both. Seems the whole snapping engine should be reworked

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