I know that this subject has been discussed before but I think it's very important to put it on the table again.
I'm very impressed by how Fusion takes CAD to the next level and I've been putting it in the hands of different heavy CAD users working for bigger enterprises than me, and they all loved it and only stayed with one question, "How data is managed?", I'm glad you freakin' ask... It's on amazon's servers, and if you think it's not a problem, it's probably not a problem for you, because hey, these servers are very secured, right?
Well... yet again, the server is down, we can't upload anything and some data isn't cached into our own machines, and when you have 8 people working with you on a project, these situations are just unacceptable both in therms of security and availability.
So what if enterprises could have a "server" version of Fusion 360 to store all data and services locally? Well, I think it will be the "killer" feature, at such a point that I don't know if Inventor could still be taken as an "upgrade" from fusion, but for the persons who actually use Fusion as their main software, it's not an option anymore.
I know it's difficult to do, but it NEEDS to be considered further, however Fusion is only going to target small enterprises with no intellectual proprieties. I'm repeating myself I know, and please discuss it below in the comments if you think the opposite, but for me right now, I'm blocked between Fusion for free but with the fear of my data being unavailable or stolen and Solidworks or Inventor which cost an arm for a multiple people team working on prototypes with no assurance that the software will ever be profitable.
Thanks for your attention, Hugues.