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Fusion 360 Ultimate Preview/Trial

Fusion 360 Ultimate Preview/Trial

I am have Fusion 360 standard, and may have a need to go with ultimate if I get set up for 4th axis machining.   I would like to test the additional CAM capabilities of Ultimate but would prefer not to have to modify my subscription (even for a month of usage).  It would be great if existing subscribers could be given a way to evaluate the Ultimate version (Which may lead to more sales of Ultimate).   For the CAM workspace maybe you could allow Fusion 360 to preview advanced toolpaths, but not export them unless they have an active Ultimate license.  That would allow people to be able to see what potential they are missing in Ultimate. 

1 Comment
Community Manager

My best advice right now is to sign out and create a new account to get a 30 day trial on the new account. 30 day trials let you try ultimate.

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