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Functions for extra mouse buttons

Functions for extra mouse buttons

If you have a mouse that has more than 3 buttons, it would be great if you could assign the extra buttons to do things like orbit, go to the home view, and manipulate the viewcube.


It would be easy to start implementing this! Many mice let you set a custom keystroke for those extra keys, so implementing it for these mice would just be making more hotkeys in Fusion for common tasks. For example, home key could go home in the viewcube. Control+O (without the left mouse button) could orbit until released. Give it a try with Logitech mice (both ones that use Setpoint and ones that use Logitech Options).

Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support


I'm talking about using buttons like this for orbit and similar commands.

Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

Thank you for idea - this is getting archived due to lack of votes.   However, we are adding default keyboard shortcuts in the September release.  You will then be able to assign your mouse buttons to the shortcut keys.



Mike Prom

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