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Fillets and chamfers should be combined into one main command

Fillets and chamfers should be combined into one main command


I would like to suggest this time saving little change.


Fillets and chamfers currently are two distinct command and that fine in most case until you decide that you would like to change one of them into the other in the history of the part. In this case currently you have to delete let say the fillet and replace it with the desired chamfer. If Fillets and chamfers  where in the same command we could switch from one to the other without having to delete them re-select the edges and change to the desirable chamfer or filet and would save some time.


Fusion 360 great product, Thank you.


Yes, and also since for some reason the rule-fillet command and the now combined fillet tool has not been added to chamfer too? Why is there no "rule-chamfer" tool also?

Not applicable

While we are at it, why not have a handle that would let us morph from fillet to chamfer and vice-versa.

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