In Fusion 360, when I want to delete a design file, if it is linked to an other file, or a drawing, it's impossible to delete it, we should see the option to delete, (are you realy sure you want to delete this file and break the links?...)
It can maybe let you see the other parts and drawings that will be affected, and can ask like 2 times to make sure you will delete all of them maybe if we need.
(I like a clean folder, it help to keep the valid data available and easy to find).
Lost room that stay on servers spend a lot of disk space, this spend electricity and electricity make some more CO2, so why I am not able to clean my folders of all the crap when I am done with some design?
We minimum should be able to see the list of all linked files, so we can delete the children files if need, then come back to delete the parent files.
In CatiaV5, this is the "link file management", you can manage and "retreive links" between files and decide to delete it or manage it as you want.