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Export T-Spline cage to OBJ

Export T-Spline cage to OBJ

Hello everyone. I would like to use T-Splines for some computer graphic and game modeling tasks that I'm working on.


Most CG and VG modeling programs are optimized to work with quad-based geometry; B-Reps, NURBS surfaces, and triangulated meshes are difficult for me to work with.


I would like the ability to export the control cage (called the "Box Display" under "Display Mode" in Fusion) to an untriangulated polygon mesh. I will then use these models for editing in other software to create video game and computer graphics animations.



It would be great if the Fusion team implemented this feature!


I am all for it as I render in external applications and for general data transfer we should not have to use triangles for TS data.


I might start in Fusion touch it up in a sculpt app and bring it back to Fusion


+1 for this.


The original Tsplines Rhino plugin has native Tsplines file formats (.tss .tsa).

Might be a good idea to include this as an export/import option too, while your at it.


Cheers Norbert

Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

Certainly appreciate the benefit of this; we're looking into this one now. It's logged in our development list as item FUS-14489.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

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