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Easy way to mirror a part with CAM operations

Easy way to mirror a part with CAM operations

Sometime i must mill a part like it was drawing and mirrored.

In Fusion 360 i can mirror the CAM Toolpath, but then this toolpath is ccw not cw i want !

So i mill the part as drawn and then i mirror the toolpath. Also i switch the direktion to ccw, so if it was mirrored, it is cw.

But then, i see some drawing bugs !

(sorry, only german, but see my picture)

And this solution is not ok for me. I must edit the directions of all operations ... and the stock is not ok also.


So for users they must mill this parts, a mirror funktion (that use the same mill direktion like without mirror and use a mirrored stock) will make it easy to produce the parts.

1 Comment
Not applicable

I am having the same issue.


Spent a few days programming this part, only to find out that the mirrored operations are now conventional milling instead of climb milling like the original operations!


Is there a fix for this?

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