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EASY find in the timeline - P L E A S E

EASY find in the timeline - P L E A S E

The timeline is THE weak link, and there are LOADS of ideas on here to improve it.....

  • Group by parts/bodies/components
  • Have colour cycling for bodies NOT just components.
  • Folders
  • Book marks
  • Hide hidden icons in timeline when body/sketch etc is hidden

Any progress on these ? and other possible improvements to the Timeline ??  


Otherwise apart from a few niggles such as hidden lines and icons in sketcher LOVING Fusion360  (RIP Solidworks 🙂 )

1 Comment

The "Timeline" needs to break free of the LINE as its ONLY interface. I am not advocating losing the timeline as it is now, only adding other ways to interact with it.


A "Timeline" panel like the project/data panel? Or a separate window?

Inside of this/these more spacious container(s), make the Timeline accessible/viewable in different formats.


-text list/tree

-annotations: visual, text, drawings, audio, etc.

-thumbnail list showing visual snapshots of the model

-folders or other non-linear organization.

-able to display both the current component timeline AND the global timeline at the same time. I want to see my place in the whole timeline even as I am scrubbing within a component. Sometimes I think I am far enough back/forwards in time within the component, only to find my edit was not back/forwards enough for the whole project.

-smart folders to filter/group things. IE all holes, all combines, all objects matching a name/property filter.

-Slicers like Excels pivot tables

-something akin to Excels "trace dependents/precedents."

-a directed acyclic graph (DAG)


This and a number of related timeline improvements that I think should all be related facets of one thing.

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