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drill tip compensation automatically calculated

drill tip compensation automatically calculated

When drilling, you can select "Drill Tip Through Bottom" setting in the Heights tab, but when you do so, you have to manually enter the additional depth.


The Ma$terCam users amongst us will know that the "Tip Comp" tab works really well since it will calculate the Comp for you: you can set the breakthrough distance and the tip angle to then give the breakthrough.


This would be a great addition!




When you select drill through bottom the drill tip is automatically compensated. The additional depth you enter is the depth you want the full diameter of the drill to extend after the end of the hole.


Thank you for the clarification (and you're right .. it does add tip breakthrough).


BUT it doesn't allow for tip angle variation (I'm guessing that 118 deg is assumed).  What about other angles?  60, 90, 135?


Also, it would be helpful if the checked box then showed the calculated breakthrough dimension so that users could adjust from a known angle based datum.


(final point, I promise: I have not found any documentation that describes the tip break-though aspect. Even the "hover" help is not clear in that a calculation has been made for the break-though additional distance. Maybe the online help and associated documentation needs to be updated too.)

OK. So, the breakthrough option brings the full diameter of the drill to
what you have selected as the bottom of the hole.

If the drill is not 118 deg, the push through will be automatically
adjusted. It always brings the full diameter of the drill to what you have
selected as the hole bottom.

The best way to check it is to bring the hole axis horizontal on the screen
and click the little ox and see what happens.


EDIT: There will be no farm animals on the screen. I meant "box" but... I failed...

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