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Display user-parameter comment in window and/or tooltip

Display user-parameter comment in window and/or tooltip


I might have missed it, but what is the "comment" field in user-parameters actually used for?par2.jpg


As far as I understand it, it should help identify what parameter is used for what things in order to more easily understand a model later on when editing.


But then, there is no convenient way to read the comments on an existing model, or is there?


I would expect two things when the parameter-window is open:


  • The comment of the selected parameter is shown at the bottom of the window
  • Hovering over a parameter shows the comment as a tool tipparcom.jpg




Not applicable

Oh, and I forgot the 3rd option (potentially instead of the tooltip): Have the comment be a column in the table!


I think that column is already available, scroll right in the Parameters window:


Comments column.png

Not applicable

@ScooxThanks, you're right! I totally missed that, because the column was completely out of the view. Feeling a bit stupid now 8c)

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