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Custom thread or at least a helix function

Custom thread or at least a helix function

I really need a custom thread function (I design all kinds of bottle closures) where you can create a custom thread by sweeping a sketched profile along a helix without rotating or twisting. Something like this is now available, but you have to use a third party add-in that creates a approximation of a helix. When you use this "helix" you get all kinds of problems because of the inaccuracy of the approximated helix. The custom thread feature of Inventor or the helix function found in Soildworks (create helix from circle) would be fine!


I do API, 30rd, 60rd and other non standard threads on a regular basis and seriously miss the simplicity of the coil function in inventor. I can create any thread I want in inventor not so much in fusion. Being able to choose a sketch for the cross section in the coil function would be a serious improvement and spare me going back to inventor over and over again.

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