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Custom profile coil

Custom profile coil

I would like to create coils with customs profiles, for example to create a thread of a plasic bottle. Plastics have very well defined standards for threads and it is hard to model in Fusion (I have to do it in Inventor). Another example are glass bottles among other axamples. 




Hi @luis_andueza,


Have you tried the Thread command?


Cheers / Ben
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I agree! Fusion must gain the capability to create a helix or coil around a cylinder then be able to sweep cut/boss much like threads but with completely custom helix and profile, this is the biggest thing holding us back from jumping from solidworks to fusion 360. we do a lot of parts similar to an endmill but on a larger scale and need to do custom profile sweeps as well as solid tool sweeps to create the geometry!

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the coil and thread tool need to allow users to custom defind all parameters (and profile) for non-standard threads.


I agree, custom profile coils are a must! In my work I have to design a lot of closures for plastic bottles, and there are lots of different thread types used. It would be enough to have the coil feature like in Inventor where you can select a profile and an axis, enter pitch, revolutions and/or height. I am planning on switching from Solidworks to Fusion 360 because of all the other beautiful and strong features, but without the custom profile coil (or simply to be able to sweep a profile along a spiral) I cannot make the switch 😞


Custom coil.JPG

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We make playground slides, many of which are helical. It took years for Autodesk to include helical sweep in AutoCAD. I had to use Rhino or SolidWorks.

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You shouldn't limit creativity to canned threads. You need to be able to draw a helix, allow for tapering, and the ability to sweep whatever profile you desire.

Fusion 360 needs to add a "Helix" command. My company manufactures
playground slide, most which are helical. I can winkle a helical
configuration out of the coil command, but it takes all day. Or I can
use SolidWorks where it takes 5 minutes. Even AutoCad has a Helix command.

Another command we need is "Wrap", for text and ornamentation on a
cylinder. Currently, it takes hours to spoof the program.
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For the thread of the bottle cap I would use the thread function, of course (that still has some limits), but I really can't see the reason why I only can create cylindrical, or square based coils. The coil command could be used for tons of things, if only Autodesk would insert a custom baseline otion. To give an example, If I want to create an electric guitar or bass pickup, that has very thin copper thread, coiled around the magnets, I can't create the coil that starts from the base profile and goes up, nor I can create an helix, making it a path for a sweep subsequentially. 

And ok, one can still create a planar sweep with the desired path, then use the rectangular pattern, piling up sweep bodies one on top of another, deceiving the eye and giving a good effect. But It's not IT.

PickUp_Single_SeymourDuncan v2.jpg

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