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Curved center lines on drawing

Curved center lines on drawing

I have below design with some holes at a radius on a circular component. Center lines will show up in XY directions (as shown in left hand figure). Could you guys please make an option to make the center cross of the hole to curve around so that when I extend the cross it will connect to the next hole (magenta colored in right hand figure)?





Not applicable

In my experience, this is a very common design and detailing practice.   Not just for bolt holes, but for many design options including assembly component placing.


I think this was actually implemented in the release just days after posting the idea.. Update to latest version and you'll have it.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented
Not applicable

Thank you for suggesting this. I just discovered Fusion, and I want to marry it and have children with it (although that latter might just happen. I have always said that when i want children, I will build them. Fusion makes that possible - if I upgrade to "Ultimate").

But this idea is one that i really wanted.

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