Drawings of individual components are currently created using its global orientation in the model. This has serious issues. You need a local, fixed orientation (not merely a view) to create stable drawings from. This local orientation should not affect the component's orientation in the higher assembly.
Issue 1:
Should your component be oriented at an angle to the global coordinates, you get illogical drawing views that are not orthographic.
(a) You can use "Modify" and "Align" to change the component alignment, but as you return to the assembly you realize it's messed up your assembly positions, in my case ignoring/misplacing joints as well.
(b) You can try "Look at" and "Create Named View" to change the orientation of your component, and then use this named view to create the drawing, but this will not work if you have multiple orientation differences from global. "Look At" will turn square on, but the component is still tilted on the other plane.
(c) You can use Mark's (HughesTooling) workaround - place a "Joint Origin" on the component, "Look At", and "Save Named View". I've found this the best option so far. But still a workaround.
Issue 2:
Having created your drawing using one of the workarounds, any changes in the position/orientation of the component in your model (eg. animating the rotation of a crank) leaves Fusion requiring all related drawings to be updated, even though nothing has changed on the component. This is both tedious and keeps piling up versions when nothing changed.