Autodesk is leveraging Apriori DFMC software cost data to help identify and rank Generative Design alternatives based on cost and geometry. Spirit aerospace video used the software to identify a rookie engineer creating expensive features to a part that were not needed. Would it be possible to find a way to create complexity metrics to spot unneeded complexity even earlier?
Cost is directly proportional to complexity.
Complexity, if measured could help flag expensive -unable to make designs way early before drawings, prototypes are made.
The metrics could be used by Engineering managers, Lead Engineers and Designers to rank, sort and separate designs by levels of complexity
This is my approach:
- Comparisons mathematically are ratios.
- Surfaces are one of the features that determine complexity in CAD parts …. “ hey that looks 3 ½ times more complex!
- Establish the standard of simple – a milled pocket block – simplest of manufactured parts.
- Take the total number of surfaces of complex part divide by total number of milled pocket surfaces ( a constant) and your result is a complexity value. Using the milled pocket number, the complexity value comes quite close to the Intuitive number ( the 3.5 value) on several complexity value tests I tried.
- This complexity value can be included in Apriori cost data to assist in rapid sorting and ranking of designs even with the new grouping functions. It is simple to calculate and use.
- Fusion 360 can supply from model forensic data to make this ratio. Complexity Value can show up on screen, in reports, in model file – wherever needed, the software can export value to other programs.
*Please note Sheet metal parts will be measured differently – idea in work for complexity measurement
please provide comments, Thanks John