the way how solid model sculpt tools are separated in menus is logical but labor intensive because
a user has to always switch the modes first.
for a faster and more productive flow of work I would propose to change this:
Patch Solid Sculpt tools should be accessible via the S shelf command.
Selecting Solid Extrude should switch to solid mode if needed while when in solid mode the surface trim should
switch to the patch mode.
onShape offers solid and surface results with each tool which is even better but this brings up the problem
of DM and Timeline mode in Fusion and how T-Splines is integrated.
In TL it is a feature you need to enter.
hence I think custom keyboard and the S key or custom marking tools should allow users to populate them with
commands no matter what mode you are in too.
very often I find it tedious having to switch between the modes based on what command I need.