Please Fusion Team commit to the full extent of the almighty Cloud and all of its capabilities particularly in regards to workflow, storage and user data.
I keep coming across this consistent workflow problem whereby I upload data (mesh, 3d file, canvas/image, etc.) to my account via any number of methods (A360, Fusion Data panel, etc.) and find that when I then go to use these in my designs that this results in completely different user experiences and options. For instance:
- Can't drag and drop from the Data Panel
- Can't right click and insert from Data Panel (you can for a fusion model or mesh)
- When selecting insert this defaults to the desktop browser (i.e. windows explorer type dialogue box) with no option for cloud account upload
- Can insert from the Data Panel (Drag & Drop or Right Click) - however this inserts mesh as a component whereas if you use Insert Mesh from the toolbar (as per option #2 below) then it is inserted as a body - no option on choice for either
- Insert Mesh from the toolbar defaults to the desktop browser (i.e. windows explorer type dialogue box) with no option for cloud account upload
The list goes on for Inserting from the toolbar to the point that I question the benefits form loading my files up to the cloud in the first instance when this seems to only work so well, i.e. insert DXF, SVG & decal. Everything should be able to be added form the Data Panel (obvious benefits) and the context of the insert dictated by the user at the point of insert i.e. insert as canvas vs insert as decal, insert as component vs insert as body, etc.
Previously logged similar things as per below:
Fusion is advertised embracing the cloud but in a lot of instances this only seems to be a half measure or part thereof, please fix guys. I recall previously that my settings and preferences for instance were not saved to my cloud account so when I went to use it on another computer found it not worth my effort as it took me too long to set up my environment and preferences again. I haven't tested this but would hope that this is also looked at if it hasn't been resolved - i.e. units, mouse navigation, passwords to Mcmaster Carr, etc.