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Can't copy an object without moving or rotating

Can't copy an object without moving or rotating

I want to copy an object in-place, without moving or rotating it. This allows me to make changes to the body, such as adding fillets, while keeping the old one around so I can reference it when Combining, for instance. However, the Move/Copy dialogue disables the "OK" button if the Translation and Rotation fields are set to 0.00.


I currently work around this by first copying the body with a small movement, then Moving the new body back into place. It's kind of ridiculous that I have to do this.


Not sure what you're trying to copy but if you select the body\component either in the browser or using selection filters in the work area then right click there's a copy option on right click menu.



Not applicable

As I said, I want to create an in-place copy of a body to save it for later. I copy the body, then I modify the original body, and then I perform a Combine operation with the copy I made.


When I right-click a body in the browser, there is a "Move/Copy" command and a "Copy" command. "Copy" followed by "Paste" does what I want and works OK. "Move/Copy" refuses to execute unless I move or rotate the body. This is confusing; Move/Copy should allow in-place copies.

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