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CAM: Realtime toolpath simulation.

CAM: Realtime toolpath simulation.

It would be super helpful to have realtime simulations in CAM. OR at least a close estimate to see feeds and speeds in relation to each other.

Status changed to: Future Consideration

Real time maybe doesn't make as much sense.


However, veiwing the simulation timeline at the bottom as a factor of machine time vs toolpath lenght would be very nice.

Status changed to: Future Consideration
Not applicable

I also culd use real time simulation, it would help to estemate feeds and speed. becaus if i folow the guidelines for tool vs material i often end upp having to edit feeds and speeds multipel times before getting a solution that works well, if i could see acutual feed/speed in simulation i would have a hunch of what is hapening in real life an maybe not have to do as manny trial runs at the machine.



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