Fusion 360 has one of the best pattern tools for cam I have ever seen, but sometimes you need to use a custom tool like a spring loaded deburring tool or some people need to active a sub routine/program; Which requires manualNC .
I did find a work around that is very dirty and doesn't work well.
I also found a bug that might want to be known about ill show a picture of it bellow.
the picture below is how you think this would work, I used a drill towpath ( yes I know you don't need a pattern, it was just easier for an example) I also used the manual nc code as a comment instead of pass through so people don't have to edit their post to test it.
the picture below is what the result looks like , this is basically useless it just past your manual nc at the end 1 time
The below picture is changing the pattern to preserve order, this is also useless because for each part the machine would have to tool change.
so then I got creative and tried to use folders which gave me basically the same results but it added seeming multiples of the manualnc at the end.
bellow is what happens when you put two patterns using the duplicate feature inside of each other. I promise I made each of these patterns the same and even went back and edited them to make sure and for some reason it goes crazy. the extra drill tool path is part of by workaround but ill discuss that at the end.
bellow is the results and picture of making two separate patterns separate from each other. not putting them inside each other like the other example.
so the work around is the create drill pattern that doesn't do anything (just moves to the position and bounces) and use the preserve order pattern. this gives you great result for my situation works but its dirty and will not work for everyone's manualNC.
I hope this gets made into a new feature or fixed if it is a bug it would be amazing for eliminating simple sub routines and or the ability to easily call out sub routines from the cad software.