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CAM option for spindle reversal after drilling to clear swarf
Just wondering if a check box could be added to include a spindle reversal on the drilling op to clear chips like was shown in the latest Haas tips youtube.
It's usually not very convenient to talk about the latest video since they tend to change when a new one is added. Just like talking about the latest release of software, it's better to just give the build number.
@al.whatmough It's a little hard on the machine if you are drilling with high RPM's.
So best would be if you could set the reverse RPM.
It's useful for drilling materials you really can't get small chips like Nylon. (In metals you can usually get short chips with good feeds and speeds and the correct tool. )
Haas Automation recently did a "Tip of the day" video where they talked about clearing chips from drills by simply reversing the spindle. This would be a really neat feature to include as an option in the drilling dialog - you could choose to have the post output a quick reverse code either between holes or right before changing tools to the next one in the program. (Yes - I know I shouldn't have stringy chips on my drills, but I always seem to anyway 😉 )