After generating a public shared link to my design, I pasted the URL into my browser's address bar to make sure it worked. When I selected the free orbit tool, centered on the screen appears a circle with marks at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o'clock, resembling a rifle cross-hair. These are the constrained orbit handles, which enable users to achieve constrained orbit while using the free orbit tool. In the web viewer, But when I hovered these handle lines, the 'hot' area would be highlighted. This is actually very useful. In the desktop Fusion 360 application the hot area is never highlighted, and users need to aim for a skinny line, which is not easy.
When using the free orbit tool in the web viewer, the associated orbit handles are represented by light gray areas. The light gray area indicates the 'hot' area:
(all screenshots taken from this design:

In the desktop app there's no shaded area, it's just a thin line, which is a lot harder to aim for. It also makes it very difficult for users to visually establish where the hot area starts and ends, because users are expected to click in the vicinity of a line, rather than within the confines of a shaded area. Below, the first picture shows where users would click in the web viewer, and the second where users should click in the desktop app. As you can see, in the latter picture there is no way to tell how far off the line is too far. It's like walking towards a cliff blind-folded: You don't know where the edge is until you step over the edge:

It would be nice if the desktop application could also get the shaded areas like the web-based viewer. Thanks!