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Bend body

Bend body

Ability to bend bodies in model mode.kgb.JPG

Status changed to: 実装済み

Hi all,


Many thanks for all the feedback & comments on this topic.


It sounds as though the majority of requests here extend beyond a simple ‘bend’ tool, and point towards a system for applying global body deformations (including twist, taper, etc.) - correct me if I’m wrong. We are currently developing new technology for this kind of global deformation, but it’s a sizeable project and truthfully it’s likely to be quite a few months away.


We do have a couple of modelling tools in other Autodesk software that we could look into potentially porting into Fusion, but each is only currently applicable on specific body types. It would be great to get feedback on whether either of these are things that would be valuable in the shorter-term:


  • The Alias SpeedForm team have developed a control lattice for globally deforming T-Splines bodies. The downside of this is that it only supports T-Splines at the moment, so wouldn’t support deformations of solid or surface bodies.
  • Autodesk Inventor has a Bend Part tool, more intended for mechanical applications, which allows you to bend a solid or surface body (but not T-Splines) around a specified axis. Quick video here:


If either of these features get strong feedback here, we’ll look into whether these might be something we could port during the next few releases. Would also be great to hear some background on why & how you’d intend to use tools like these, so we can make sure we design & develop them in a way that makes sense.




This is a tool I desperately need. There are very complex shapes i need to create that are impossible to make without this tool I am a Power user of this program and Having to emulate this tool is not acceptable we need a bend/lattice deformer for Brep Meshes. Please make this happen ASAP



 I think that the second option ( the one from Inventor ) is what we need. Fusion really lacks bending solid bodies ( not Tsplines). A lot of times you need to fit solid body shapes to each other in a way that is not possible without bending, for example form fitting armor,  or surface details that follow the curved face. Bending breaks out of the 2 dimentional thinking. 

Basically i need it to be able to create curved complex bodies easily, create designs that follow the shape and fit into each other . 

Not applicable

Having this would be a breeze, espetially when working with very organic, yet still mechanical models like the human/animal based anatomy. It could also allow less "static" designs to be achieved much more easily and widen the possibilities.

Not applicable

It would be great if it were possible to draw a line through a model from a specific viewpoint and then to bend that line into a curve, deforming the solid model appropriately. 



Just helped a client and after 3.5 horus work in Fusion I just trashed the design and restarted in Blender and had it done withint 15 minutes. .....


check this video: blows Fusion out of the water ... sadly

Not applicable

Thanks for that information!


Watched the video and it looks like Blender has some great tools for this purpose. 


I haven't used Blender before. I first learned solid modelling in SolidWorks and then in Fusion. Do you think Blender would be a steep learning curve?



3D modeling in general is complex.

The UI of Blender is not hard it is pretty easy to use but requires for sure some work in time.

Fusion has a fantastic elegant and simple UI but often the lack of abilities then makes work time longer.


I use Blender for two reasons:

1. It is free and actively developed

2. It has interactive modifiers which you can use like features


So you can work kinda like in a parametric workflow.


I concept model or sculpt in Blender a lot because you can work quite precise for organic shapes and TS later will make sure all will be perfect BREPs in Fusion. In Blender I also model in a away so that TS will be happy!!!


here is a thead that showcases a project that was impossible to do in Fusion efficiently and required working in Blender to get the deformation I wanted.



Alias also has a pretty fantastic bend tool now:

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 10.57.59 AM.png



the workflow in Fusion was

option A) sketch disaster nightmare

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 12.36.35 PM.png


OR B) TS with deformation problems.

Not applicable

Thanks for the additional information. I downloaded Blender and had a lot of initial trouble with it. I suppose it is just a totally different workflow from what I am used to.


Would you ever recommend modelling on a flat plane and then exporting to Blender or Alias to bend, then back into Fusion? (Working on jewelry design by the way)


That bend tool in Alias looks promising.


Thanks again for your help.



Blender might be hard to grasp when doing it alone. If you want I caneet with you via Skype a tutor you for an hour. Pre existing cad experience the. Really help a diving into the app. It is a great app - jewelry designer myself BTW. Let me know Blender and fusion are a dream team

Check out this youtube channel:


Mikhail R has some pretty detailed work - this would sometimes be a pain or near imposible to do in Fusion.

And Rhino without any design history has no ability to quickly change designs.


Blender cannot do fillets (not nurbs) but for that Fusion can be perfect once the TS object is turned into BREPs.

Not applicable

That is a very generous offer, thank you. I would love to meet via Skype to learn some of the basics. 


Thanks for the additional links, I'll look at those today. Currently working my way through your iron videos on Blender to grasp some of the techniques. 


Can you clarify the difference between TS and BREP? 


It confuses me that some CAD programs are limited in terms of functions like fillet, seems like it would be a simple tool to include! (Speaking from a non-technical background)


Oh that Iron video is so outdated hahahaha.


TS allows you to model likt with polygons irregular shapes.

BREP or NURBS onlly allow square like patches to be aligned to each other.


Fillets along trimmed NURBS surfaces is also something that is unique to NURBS polygon cannot without artifacts fillet trimmed edges. With polygons the filet command has to work with the polygons present - with NURBS the math calculates the intersection

of the surfaces and how this could be filleted. After that it generates a polygon model for 3D shading.


After all each workflow allows a certain approach I can model with Polygons I cannot with NURBS and vs verse.

The thing is each is very good at a particular task and the beauty is in combining them together.


Some jewelry designers swear at Rhino - I used Rhino and rather would use SolidThinking than Rhino because ST has NURBS SubD like Blender and a parametric workflow. 


All sounds very confusing but in Skype I can explain and demo this in few minutes.

Not applicable

Sounds good. Let me know when you have time. I'm on Pacific Time at the moment.




Currently I teach M/W but otherwise am in my studio in and out working on projects.


Just ping me on Skype. I am most times passively online.


Just rebuild my wifes jewelry Ring because I lost the Rhino model.

Left are the features, Center the model, Right are the trim surfaces.


Not applicable



What is your skype?


I tried following one of Mikhail's ring tutorials and A) Not everything was explained fully so I was lost 99% of the time, and B) My computer started slowing down terribly when I was doing lattice deformations of the solid ring body. 


Perhaps I was doing something wrong, or maybe my i5 iMac with no dedicated graphics is just too weak for some operations. Think I will need a stronger system?


Thanks again


duh sorry - it is "cekuhnen"


here is how it would look in Fusion all trimmed / joined together and rounded edges were usable.


Screen Shot 2015-06-09 at 1.56.44 PM.png

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