I started posting because I was having troubles with selections, then realized it just didn't work as I had expected, BUT that's likely because it works OK (but not great) in no history mode, but different if you're recording history.
Ok, making a selection has nothing to do with an action being recorded, so cut it out.
I'm talking about starting a drag select while over an object. I'm in Model mode here. It worked fine while not capturing design history.
I turned that on because I need to change a group of bodies to a component so I can start organizing this stupid step file in parts (Fusion is Terrible at this). Just having design history turned on, and deslecting a couple bodies causes the software to choke. Ooops, accidentally clicked while it was "processing" that last selection....aaaaand your selection is gone. Start over. I haven't found a way to undo a selection.
So I just realized why it's different. In no history mode, it lets you drag select no matter where you are. In history mode, it's assuming you're trying to move some geometry. So Fusion needs a way to let me tell it, "No, I'm making a selection here, so buzz off." I suggest the ALT key for this. If I hold ALT, I'm making a drag selection, so don't do anything until I let go of the mouse.
And I have no idea why deselecting something cuases the program to just Freak out. And sometimes it causes my model tree to disappear. So that's awesome.