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API: Export Single bRepBody as STEP/IGS/etc.

API: Export Single bRepBody as STEP/IGS/etc.

Right now through the API (I'm working with Python specifically) there is the ability to export a single bRepBody as an STL. I'd like the ability to export as a STEP/IGES/etc.


Currently the ability to export single components as STEP files is nice, but in the case where a single compononent has multiple Bodies associcated, I'd like individual files for those bodies.


Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Community Manager
Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

Thank you for idea - this is getting archived due to lack of votes. Ideas with 10+ votes within a month are reviewed by the Product Management team for future consideration. If you feel strongly that this is needed, please resubmit with more detail on why you think this is valuable to Fusion 360 users so that the idea gathers some more support from the community. 


Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選

Opps, we marked it archived accidentally. This is a good idea for an API. I'll add it to the backlog.



Here's a workaround using the current API to do what you want.


def exportBody():
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui = app.userInterface

        des = app.activeProduct
        # Have the body selected.        
        body = ui.selectEntity('Select the body', 'SolidBodies').entity

        # Create a new component using this body.
        newBody = body.createComponent()
        newComp = newBody.parentComponent
        newOcc = des.rootComponent.allOccurrencesByComponent(newComp).item(0)
        # Export the component as STEP.
        exportMgr = des.exportManager
        stepOptions = exportMgr.createSTEPExportOptions('C:/Temp/SingleBody.step')
        stepOptions.geometry = newOcc
        # Do an undo to get rid of the create component operation.
        undoCmd = ui.commandDefinitions.itemById('UndoCommand')
        if ui:

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