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Allow joints to constrain animations

Allow joints to constrain animations

The ability to create motion studies is powerful, but not intuitive to use for creating and exploring complex motions that want to be documented in an animation. Animation right now seems to be geared to making exploded views and does not take advantage of the joints in an assembly. We need to combine these two in the Animation workspace; the constraints of motion provided by the joints, and the ease of setting positions and keyframes in animation. I don't want to have to guess at how many degrees I want a joint to move in relation to another joint that is also moving; I want to drag the parts and have them constrained by the joints to the point in time and position I want to get to, and then capture that in the keyframe. Dragging constrained parts would save alot of time setting up not only a motion study, but allowing it in the animation space would let you save it as video also. 


Thanks for the response and update @TimeraAutodesk. As a home/hobby user of F360 I've had a fantastic time with it and really appreciate the license approach Autodesk decided to take with F360 for that user segment. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing the animation improvements in 2021.

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