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Allow external calls to your API (from applescript or custom key presses)

Allow external calls to your API (from applescript or custom key presses)

I'd like to customize and add the automation functionality of Autodesk.


I'd like to drive this automation by my own input - keyboard presses, input from Nuimo or other things.

Other people asking for this are at e.g.


Since currently the API can only be driven from scripts that run inside Fusion360 this is not possible.


Please allow the Fusion360 API to be driven from Applescript, external command line scripts or customizable hotkeys so that we can map inputs to scripts ourselves


I would love to see the API allow users to interact with Fusion outside of a single script. This would allow users to create scripts that can manipulate entities outside of what is currently possible. Best example would be we could create an add-in that runs in the background listening for keystrokes that would allow custom hotkeys.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

@keqingsong great that it is moved to Future Consideration!


I would like to add that C# support would also be very much appreciated because also on Windows I would like to control Fusion360 from outside the application!

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