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Add operator overloading to Points and Vectors

Add operator overloading to Points and Vectors

Some basic operator overloading would make working with points and vectors way easier.

Here an example of adding a vector scaled by a factor of 3 to a point:




tempVector = originalVector.copy()
resultPoint = originalPoint.copy()

With operator overloading:



resultPoint = originalPoint + originalVector * 3


Here would be my suggestion. It will use Points and Vectors interchangeably as they are very similar:

Vector1 + Vector2 = Vector3
behaves like:
Vector3 = Vector1.copy().add(Vector2) Vector1 * number = Vector2 behaves like:
Vector2 = Vector1.copy().scaleBy(number) Vector1 - Vector2 = Vector3 behaves like: Vector4 = Vector2.copy() Vector4.scaleBy(-1) Vector3 = Vector1.copy().add(Vector4) Vector1 / number = Vector2 behaves like:
Vector2 = Vector1.copy().scaleBy(1/number) Vector1 += Vector2 behaves like:
Vector1.add(Vector2) Vector1 *= number behaves like:
Vector1.scaleBy(number) Vector1 -= Vector2 behaves like: Vector3 = vector2.copy() Vector3.scaleBy(-1) Vector1.add(Vector3) Vector1 /= number behaves like:

I would assume the previous suggestions to be universally accepted. Here are some more that would be useful:

str(Vector) = "[x, y, z]"
behaves like:
def __str__(self):
    return "[{:g}, {:g}, {:g}]".format(self.x, self.y, self.z)

This makes debugging easier as it returns the actual components of the vector instead of just the Class. Class type can still be accessed.

abs(Vector) = length
behaves like:
def __abs__(self):
    return self.length

setter method for Vector.length
behaves like:
def _set_length(self, length):
    self.scaleBy(length / self._get_length())

Vector1 * Vector2 = dotProduct
behaves like:
dotProduct = Vector1.dotProduct(Vector2)


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