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Access right click menu commands through Custom Keyboard Shortcuts (CKS)

Access right click menu commands through Custom Keyboard Shortcuts (CKS)

Now that the CKS is here wouldn't it be useful if the commands in the right click menu could be accessed via a keyboard shortcut.


Right click menu.png


With that feature it would be possible to bind Undo to the key 'U' or repeat to the key 'Space'.

It would really increase the design flow as this idea suggest


+1 for this. Very much needed!


+1  However, to add... every aspect should be customizable...  for example, like Maya. I also come from a background of using Rhino where we can just start typing in order to access tools and commands.  Way faster!  Enter or space is to repeat commands.  In this case, there really isn't a need for keyboard shortcuts.  However, pressing "s" to pull up the command box isn't terrible.  Might be nice to have an option to check a box or press a button to always be in the shortcuts box when you start typing.  For those of us who nearly strictly use it, it would improve workflow. 


Simply being able to assign a keyboard shortcut to "Repeat..." would be an enormous time-saver.


+1 for at least "Repeat..." being bindable to a keyboard shortcut.

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