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A serious update to snapping and unified rotation is needed

A serious update to snapping and unified rotation is needed

Hi Folks,


It seems to me Fusion lacks a lot in the ara of snapping and it also seems not to feature a rotate function for curves/sketches. This is reallty an extreme downside for me when I work in deisgn and need to be able to snap or rotate.


Attached is a quick video showing Rhino. You can quite clearly see how fast this workflow is and what snapping targets I use.






It looks like only in DM can you move scale and also Rotate an object.

Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 3.16.25 PM.png

It seems also not to be possible to scale a sketch? Why is that so?

Screen Shot 2014-03-24 at 3.00.17 PM.png 


Being such basic functions I am actually surprised this is not part of the Fusion modeling and sketch engine.

What would be the point of 3D sketching without the ability to rotate or scale a curve?




Hi cekuhnen,


I agree it would be a useful feature.


BTW: in your post you provide two times the same video - it's the same link 😉


I cannot find the edit function - here is the Rhino video: 


Those are very basic editing tools I would rate as a must have for Fusion.


Snapping definitely is a pain. Thanks for bringing that up.


It's totally unclear why snapping works with some features but doesn't with others. It seems to nearly completely miss in the 3d world while being "ok" in sketches but still i don't see why snapping for example doesn't work when using offsets (which i really use very often).




Helmi74, I very much agree with the inconsistency of tools. The direct modeling has a trim option but no untrim tool.


I think in general Fusion provides a great platform and direction but the lack of tool consistency makes it really hard for me to sell it to others as a great alternative to Rhino or Alias.


The design time line is great but when the parametric system cannot deal with surfaces and only solids whats then the point not to use Alias which deals with surfaces and has parametrics.



The way I explain this to me is that Fusion is still very much in development and this is more a technology preview of what a killer application this software could be.


It looks like most of the conversation is around being able to snap sketches in a more precise way. Are there workflows that are equally as important with snapping and rotating solids or surfaces?


Yes of course and that is one of the large downsides for my right now in Fusion because without good snapping I cannot place parts correctly.


Sketches, surfaces, solids they all should be treated the same way. Some of those Rhino

commands below work in the Sketch engine already but there is so much more.

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 8.56.29 AM.png


Currently I work on a furniture project which is more suitable to start with a polygon layout. So I also have poly lines for positining and rotation. All the orange lines are

for example a distance helper and define position and rotation.

This stuff I can import in Rhino and then use the snapping tools with the poly data.

Fusion cannot snap to polygons at all as it seems and also not import just poly lines.

Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 8.58.48 AM.png



In Alias to Blender to Rhino snapping does not care if you use a sketch surface or solid.

Of course with surfaces they have commands to place an object onto a surface and rotate it along the surface normal. This is the only aspect where they are different to snapping tools the offer for sketches.

Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討
Lots of great feedback. I am moving this to "Under Review" and would like to touch base with you in the near future and run some things past you to get your feedback.

Here is a video of how I work in Rhino.


I think you quite clearly can see where Fusion needs improvement:


This is a typical situation a part changed and now transfering Data you need to reposition

the part. The align tool is a good idea but inssuficient in what it can only do.


You see that instead of align I simply used a move and if needed also a rotate command.


This is a very basic tool (snapping) but one of the most important assets to have.

Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討
I am currently reviewing all outstanding snapping, move and align requirements for an update to the design. I will update you as the design progresses.
Status changed to: Future Consideration

Added to ADVMOD list


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