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3D Sketching, Helix Sketching, Construction sketch entities

3D Sketching, Helix Sketching, Construction sketch entities

Can we get 3D Sketching, Helix sketching, and the ability to change sketch entities into construction lines? These are 3 big features that are common in every CAD application that are missing in Fusion 360, and Im not sure how to do workarounds for them.

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To cite one example... 3D sketching combined with Emboss (or an extruded cut) is a key element of my workflow in other packages.

Not applicable

The sketch environment is a major resource for building models and keeping track of rebuilds and changes... we can't have the kind of ease found in Inventor (where files are automatically built and all) but Sketch is an area where clever modelers can, at least, build sophisticated lines.

I'm constantly wishing for multiple selections in Sketch mode (in more than just Radius operations)... Helix and 3D sketching would ALSO be nice 🙂

Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選
3D sketching is planned for DEcember update, but I doubt we will get all these ideas in, in one go. Still we get it and are working on it.
Not applicable

I'd also like to see the ability to move lines and other entities around within a sketch by using object and numeric input... but this is another feature request entirely.


Thanks for the update Kevin.


I've been writing quite a substantial list of feature and workflow tidbits, many of which are already being suggested as proper feature requests. I'll filter though the list and post a few up over the next week or so.



Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented
October 2013 release has basic 3D sketching and construction lines.

Thank you Fusion team! I really like the right click menu option to change lines to construction. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to make a 3D sketch, but I like the way you guys did that too. It is very intuitive after you figure out how to start. Could you guys give us the option to generate a 3d curve in the coil option instead of  geometry? It seem to me it already generates a curve, we just don't have access to that curve.

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