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3D Printed PLA Spring Motor Rolling Chassis

3D Printed PLA Spring Motor Rolling Chassis

An updated version of my earlier design (, this version includes stronger spring and gears, weaker pawl, and o-ring tires for traction. 


If you have both the time and filament, I recommend printing the chassis components ("Chassis Left.stl" and "Chassis Right.stl") at 100% infill. Even though I've incorporated a torsion damper at the front of the chassis, the added strength of 100% infill will assist in keeping the gear train better aligned at full spring tension.


Assembly video is here:


Video of prototype run is here:


You will need to purchase two #18 o-rings (1 3/16" O.D., 15/16" I.D., 1/8" diameter) and two #111 o-rings (2 1/2" O.D., 2 1/8" I.D., 3/16" diameter), which are available on line, and at plumbing supply / box stores.


Designed using Fusion 360, sliced using Cura 2.3.1, and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and Ultimaker 3 Extended.


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