I'm trying to change the reference link on my drawing from part "A" to Part "B." Is this even possible?
Here is an example of what I need to do:
1. Lets say Part A is a Cylinder with Diameter of 90mm, and I make a drawing for it.
2. Now, lets say Part B is a cylinder as well but this time the Diameter is 124mm....Therefore, I dont want to re-create the drawing again right?...so, what should I do? I can not find a way of doing this, except re-creating the drawing again.
Here is what I tried to do:
1. I duplicated the Part A with his drawing.
2. I renamed the duplicated part to Part B.
3. When open the duplicate 3D part and changed it....the drawing was still linked to Part A, not to the duplicated one (Part B)....
I hope there is a way to this. (Catia or Solidworks have this functionality and I hope Fusion 360 too)
Any help will be greatly appreciated!