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1:1 detail of section

1:1 detail of section



Created my first drawing today and ran into issues almost instantly. Fusion does not seem to allow the creation of detail views of elements within sections? seems a pretty basic requirement from my perspective as pretty much all 1:1 details I have created in the past are from sections! Maybe I am missing something in the way that I create my views/sections? Also when you try to detail a section view I get a little pop up that simply tells me it cannot. Could we possibly have some further info on pop ups like this that states why not or that offers an alternative method?


Many Thanks 



Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

Great feedback @Anonymous, this is a view that we don't support yet, but it is on our list to do this year. Keep your eye on the Roadmap Blog to find out when it will be available, we update the blog as we plan. 

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

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