Some quick notes from my first run through with moving from Eagle + Fusion to Fusion Electronics Design.
It is not entirely clear what the difference between Switch -> View 3D PCB and View 3D PCB with Canvas is.
My testing seems to suggest PCB with Canvas is like the old Eagle Publish and makes the board simple with texture mapped images of the copper + solder mask + silkscreen as 1. (Similar to the output of the CAM Preview top + bottom images).
The other option seems to export the top and bottom copper layers as individual bodies, and the solder masks as bodies too. I think this means you get much better 3d renders as the copper has 'depth' to it and can probably help with thermal modelling etc.
I am not sure if the copper layer thickness is taken from the loaded design rules or not, and whether the FR4 board thickness is taken from there. I think it should be if it isn't.
I was slightly disappointed not to see the inner layers taken across - both for thermal modelling and to be able to see if the stack-up has any problems; e.g. using the Inspect->Sectional Analysis tool.
It also appears that the render engine (something I have some reservations about) does not take into account the silkscreen texture map; This means that logos, text and other markings do not appear. Again, I think that the silkscreen needs to be taken across as a 'paint' layer.
The process than pushes the 2D to 3D seems very slow at the moment, and causes fusion to go into a not responding state. Waiting normally resolves this but the UI updates seem a bit off here and the integration is a bit clunky still.
I also noticed that changing the cam settings for the solder mask colour in the board design does not seem to mark the document as modified so did not prompt me to save. I am not sure if this is actually stored in the board file.
Again when looking at the CAM processor; selecting the template and processor to use should probably look in the cloud project, either in a global folder for the team, or in the project itself. Once I have edited the CAM job - I should be able to save it in the cloud project so it will be available for other users, or when it needs to be run again for a future revision.
If you have text set to >DRAWING_NAME it does pick up the fusion version number - however, if you save the design and it up-revs, this does not seem to update unless you close and re-open the design.
The layer/location/cli 'bar' does not appear to be taken into account when 'pinning' tool-windows such as the route manual (which if you put it to the left, snaps top left and does not flow very well). This means it is difficult to use these without them getting in the way all the time.
The tool-window also seems to have a lot of space at the bottom below the ok/cancel buttons causing a vertical scrollbar when the window is the 'right height' to show all the contents; and there is no horizontal scrollbar or wrap/flow when it is too narrow.
Again with the design manager/inspector/selection filter tool-windows these are difficult to resize well whether they float or are docked, and when docked but not minimized they are really difficult as there are so many nested levels of scrollbar and no visual separators.
When docked and collapsed the design manager width is very poor by default and the pop-out response time is very slow compared to some of the other tool windows etc.
The layer colour and transparency in board view is really not as clear as that in eagle; I don't know if this is the same default layer colours as the latest eagle or not; but the alpha channel seems way to high. Also, there was no way to import my eagle colour settings. 🙂
Also - an issue which was also in Eagle, but not as noticeable because of the colours - the highlight option in the UI for lighter / darker I had at 81%. When the symbol colour is dark red you can actually see the symbol when you are adding etc. but with it pale orange it is basically invisible. The setting needs to be inverted if you have schematic background set to white and the pcb background set to black (n.b. this setting seems to be confusing as the board black colour isn't black by default.
My only other comment just now is that the ERC and DRC (results) windows really need to be made tool windows too so they can float on top or be docked while you work and they need a refresh button to rerun it without the extra clicks to get the validate section then run the tool. Having to switch between the top level toolbar groups to get to the toolbar options is annoying; especially as there would be more than enough space for them all the same as eagle if they were a sensible size. The net result in fusion is that you loose a huge amount of screen real-estate for no good reason, and end up with many more mouse clicks and movement in general use.
Maybe it is a personal preference thing, but the huge toolbar icons in fusion make it feel a little like a My First CAD toy, rather than something advanced/professional that should be used to design My First ... toys.
One area that I hope will get more work is to include more of the sketch tools into the 2D PCB designer to allow setting positions of components etc. with dimensions and being able to draw the board outline etc. I guess you can do some of that using the reverse workflow and pushing changes down to the 2D editor, but that seems counter-intuitive.
Other than that, I am really excited to start using this integrated version of Eagle and the 3D workflows that are now possible much more easily.