And maybe close the door,
I remember those days too, called connect the dots. (For me Tech drawing was 50 years ago.)
I have taken the numbers you supplied, and found that there are two outcomes available, you didn't mention whether all the dimensions are absolute, (likely) or relative, (could be).
So it looks like this,

And when finishing the sketch, it looks like this, on the proviso that two of the dots would not be there.

In fusion, we can't make anything so far....
Sketching lines - you said, I hadn't, when I did just now, it didn't work, but the original method suddenly did. Confused,
I am too, but lets move on,
I see that we were not talking about 3d sketches, so you then said,
I mean the face they produce: the obvious solution would be to remove the construction flag from the lines, but I want to keep the lines. Now we are on the same page, you can have both, Fusion is smart, even if a little different.
The Construction lines you need,

Demo-only example: draw a construction triangle, then create a face using those lines without losing the original lines.
Fusion cant do that, as written,
Change them to normal lines, you can make the face, and keep the lines, Fusion just turns the lights off, if your preferences ask it to.

Comment that is not meant to be critical, your way works just fine, is understandable,
I found myself repeating myself to do it your way for this demo.
In fusion, a line has three articles, two points and a connector, in your demo there are now 11 points and 3 lines.
Fusion's house keeping is showing just the 5 we started with, and has automatically hidden (but they are still there if needed,) the 6 associated directly to the 3 lines.
Why points? You can do the same with rubber banding the 2 point rectangle, set the dimensions with the tool active, then confirm.
The 2 point Rectangle is Click, Drag, enter the value, Tab, Enter the value, Enter. This is the way to go.
(the Experts will see I added them to the original points for demo purposes.)

Feet - yards or millimetres, Document settings can be set for the file you are in, if you are not using the Defaults,
make something, Fusion will zoom fit to the screen.
Let me know if stuck....