So to further illustrate the points I suggested may need further investigation in the overview, I have recorded the following screencast. I have tried to be as detailed as possible, again hoping to demonstrate a process that a beginner might be able to follow with a little time and patience. I am attempting to show the minimum conditions that a Patch > Create > Loft or Patch > Create > Patch based on 3D curves would need for error free operation by demonstrating what Sketch >Project/Include > Intersection Curve really means, how it potentially fails and how to recognise and fix those failures. Again I apologise to experience users if the companion instructions are overly detailed, I just wanted to document this in a way that could be a reference to complete beginners.
1 . At 00.05, I Created a sketch on the XZ plane and called it Side A
2. Same again at 00.30, I Created a sketch on the YZ Plane and called it Side B.
3. At 00.48, I created a construction line in Side A with a Horizontal/Vertical constraint from the origin, this line is co-linear to the Z axis and perpendicular to the XZ and YZ planes
4. Same again, at 01.02 construction lines horizontal to the XZ Plane for the start point and end points of spline we will eventually sketch.
5. At 01.39, I have have projected the intersection of the horizontal construction lines in step 4 into Side B and drawn horizontal construction lines from those projections to what will be the start and end points of the spline in Side B.
6. At 02.21, I also included in this sketch (Side B) a Sketch > Spline >Fit Point Spline from start and finish points of the construction lines from step 5 following the curve on my Canvas.
7. 02.50, The same is done for Side A, from the start and finish points of the construction lines. These splines obviously define the shape of the 3D object you wish to create when viewed from the side and front however the two views need not be at right angles to each other for intersection curve to work.
8. At 03.22, I create a new sketch for the intersection curve that will generate a 3D curve.
9. In to this sketch at 03.42 I use Sketch > Project/Include >Intersection Intersection Curve to project the sketch of the spline from Side A and spline from Side B.
10. At 03.50 I am attempting to show how these intersections do not form a contiguous curve.
11. Using Create > Extrude in the Patch or Surface environment as it is now called at 04.04 I have extrude the splines from Side A and Side B to create surfaces and hopefully demonstrate how intersection curve works.
12. In order to fix this problem the first thing I would need to do is to create some points on both splines that we can fix into definite co-ordinate points so at 04.42 I use a line and Sketch>Break to break the spine in Side A into two splines
13. At 05.22 is use the same method for the spline in Side B.
14. The screencast at 06.20 shows the obvious effect on the intersection sketch projection of breaking the splines
15 At 06.36 I used the same methods as in step 9, projecting the new splines into the third sketch one spline at a time.
16. At 07.02 the screencast shows the effect of the new projection which though improved still does not form a contiguous curve. Please bear in mind that a lot of lofting and patch errors happen when the end point if lines or splines do not occupy the same Cartesian co-ordinate reference. They may look like it on the screen sometimes but some though close are not necessarily close enough to be thought of as contiguous.
17. So to fix this at 07.43 I have added new construction geometry for the new end points of the newly broken splines in both Side A and Side B. Same principle applies as before in steps 3 and 4.
18. The sceencast at 08.41 demonstrates why these additions alone are not enough for a contiguous intersection curve.
19. In order to fix this at 09.01 I apply a horizontal vertical constraint to the Tangent Handles of the top points of the splines. This has the effect of making the curves in the sketch tangent and also the highest point or furthest point in the curve. That is to say that the curve falls away either side of this point and because this point on both sketches is co-planar due to the use of horizontally constrained construction lines the top of both curves intersect at the same point.
20. The screencast at 09.57 demonstrates a contiguous curve capable of being used for Create > Loft and Create Patch in the Surface environment.
I hope that this explanation makes sense an is of benefit to someone one day.