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Exporting Plans, Sections, Elevations, etc.


Exporting Plans, Sections, Elevations, etc.


Hi team,


Is there any near future plans to introduce options to create and export 2D elevation and sections, as well as, floor plans? 


Currently, we can create floor plans, but there is no way to export the information to image or pdf format. 


3 Replies
Replies (3)


Hi @sandra_petkuteHNRTB , we just released section boxes the other day, which in combination with the image capture should be able to help you in at least some of your work? See update here.

As for floor plan export, this is not something we are working on right now. Is what you are looking for as simple as exporting what you see as an image, or do you hope for some other features like stats shown etc.?
I am keen to get some more details on your need for a time when we consider this subject 🙂 

/Kasper, product manager @ Forma



Hi @kasper.herlov , the section box has been really useful, we are very pleased to see this feature, so thank you for the team working on it!


However, we still can't achieve consistent section/elevation views, it would be really handy to have some sort of orbit tool (similar to what Revit has), where users could click on different planes/faces of the model to lock in the views, this could solve section/elevation deficiency.


Floor plans have a lot of potential, but also quite a few limitations for the teams interested working on their early concepts fully in Forma. 

1- exporting the floor plan information would improve the consistency and qualify of design concept, especially with scale bar option

2 - it would benefit from having an ability to either draw or import detail, for example, it is sometimes very important to demonstration the number of lifts in the core, so adding even simple linework would be great, or at least, ability to import a vector file and apply it to  floor plans.

3 - Unit Type color customization is often desired by the teams, this would allow the team to match the concept to the firm standard. 


We have more suggestions, especially concerting the general interface. We'd be happy to provide feedback. 



Thank you very much. Happy to have a session to go through your feedback. I will send a DM for that. 

As for the saving a view issue, I take it you are likely familiar with the camera tool in Forma, and so I'd love to know what the missing piece is in that in order to do what you are looking for. Ref screenshots below.


Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 10.54.56.png

Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 10.55.04.png