Python FBXSDK FbxProperty.Get() not exported to Py? Critical issue
Python FBX SDK - ver currently latest 202032:
I can't access (static) value of the property with Get() - it seems FbxProperty class doesn't have Get() exposed (on the other hand, Set() is exposed properly).
Try this trivial code:
import fbx
p1 = fbx.FbxProperty.Create(model, fbx.FbxBoolDT, "MyBooleanProperty", "My Bool")
p1.Set(True) #this works fine and FBX loaded to MoBuilder does have the property and it is set True.
value=p1.Get() #this fails
Get() in C++ is documented here:
confusing is, that getting values of built in properties, such as skeletonJointAttribute.Size.Get() actually DOES work fine, however .Size, .Color etc. appear as object one of subclasses of FbxProperty, not the FbxProperty itself... however any property found by name or created as shown above fails to get data back.
I consider this really fatal omission - FBX scenes are built on properties, both user and default, and when the property isn't animated, it is impossible to retrieve its value at the moment - unless I do something wrong.
Any help appreciated!
Kind regards,