Import of colors when material is not lambert
Hi All,
I'm new to fbx but have an issue in my program when importing specific fbx files.
I have a code which does something like this:
const int matCount = node->GetMaterialCount( );
for( int matIdx = 0; matIdx < matCount; matIdx++ )
FbxSurfaceMaterial *fbxMaterial = node->GetMaterial( matIdx );
bool isLam = fbxMaterial->GetClassId( ).Is( FbxSurfaceLambert::ClassId );
//the value above is never true (I would query the color here with:
//FbxSurfaceLambert *lambert = FbxCast<FbxSurfaceLambert>( fbxMaterial );
//lambert->Diffuse.Get( ))
const FbxProperty lProperty = fbxMaterial ->FindProperty(FbxSurfaceMaterial::sDiffuse);
//then I do the same check for emissive, ambient, specular color
//diffuse, amient is always 0,0,0 (only specular is not 0,0,0)
I found that blender and fbx review is able to import with some greyscale colors
I downloaded fbx sdk and compiled for myself. I ran the project from ViewScene.sln but it worked as my program, so no colors at all. All black.
Is there any other place where you think blender or fbx review is reading color info from?