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FBX SDK import fails with "Uninitialized filename" (in Release config)

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FBX SDK import fails with "Uninitialized filename" (in Release config)

I am using the FBX SDK (2020.2, vs2019) for loading models in my game engine. In Debug config, everything works as expected. When building in Release config, the FbxImporter::Import(FbxScene*) function returns false with the status code: eFailure and error string: "Uninitialized filename"
My code for loading a scene:

FbxScene* fbx::ParseScene(const std::filesystem::path& filepath)
    auto filenameStr = filepath.filename().string();
    auto filepathStr = filepath.string();
    ::FbxImporter* fbxImporter = ::FbxImporter::Create(s_Data.fbxManager, filenameStr.c_str());
    APEX_CORE_ASSERT(fbxImporter->Initialize(filepathStr.c_str(), -1, s_Data.fbxManager->GetIOSettings()),
        fmt::format("FbxImporter Initialize failed for '{0}'! Error: {1}", filepath, fbxImporter->GetStatus().GetErrorString()));

    FbxScene* fbxScene = FbxScene::Create(s_Data.fbxManager, filenameStr.c_str());
    if (!fbxImporter->Import(fbxScene)) { // <-- fails to import
        FbxStatus importStatus = fbxImporter->GetStatus();
        APEX_CORE_ERROR("Could not load FBX scene! Error: {}", importStatus.GetErrorString());
        // Could not load FBX scene! Error: Uninitialized filename

    if(fbxScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetSystemUnit() != FbxSystemUnit::m)
        // Convert the scene to meters using the defined options.

    return fbxScene;

The FbxManager was initialized as follows:

s_Data.fbxManager = FbxManager::Create();
APEX_CORE_ASSERT(s_Data.fbxManager, "FBX Manager could not be initialized!");
s_Data.fbxManager->SetIOSettings(FbxIOSettings::Create(s_Data.fbxManager, IOSROOT));

I'm using static linking with the following settings in Visual Studio:
Debug config:

  • Additional Library Directories: %FBX_SDK_PATH%\2020.2\lib\vs2019\x64\debug\
  • Additional Dependencies: libfbxsdk-md.lib;libxml2-md.lib;zlib-md.lib

Release config:

  • Additional Library Directories: %FBX_SDK_PATH%\2020.2\lib\vs2019\x64\release\
  • Additional Dependencies: libfbxsdk-md.lib;libxml2-md.lib;zlib-md.lib

P.S. I tried the test with multiple different fbx models and got the same output.

Am I missing something?

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Message 2 of 2
in reply to: xdevapps0



I find it very strange that your code would work with a debug build and fail with a release one. The only thing I can think of is that the string used for the 'filenameStr' is not a properly terminated UTF8 string and, in a debug build, some padding is added making it "work" while, in a release build, the memory is not padded and the string simply does not terminate properly.

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