Combine or attach multimple meshes
at first:
Thank you for this great SDK. I really enjoy developing stuff with it. 🙂
Now I stumbled across a problem:
For a bigger project I need to combine different FbxNodes (with a FbxMesh) with the same material to one FbxNode with all meshes combined.
As far as I know there is no option to combine two different meshes.
In another forum thread here someone wrote that it should be possible to add multiple meshes with:
mainNode->AddNodeAttribute(FbxMesh* meshToAdd)
But after the export only the first added mesh will be shown in 3ds Max.
Is there any easy way to combine meshes to one mesh?
Or is the only way to achieve this to manual copy the mesh data? How could I build this, if I only need the mesh and the normals?
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: These were the posts I found about this topic. Unfortunately this won't help me, because I need to export the mesh: