Community Feedback Hub
Help us keep improving Autodesk Community. Share your feedback in response to the threads marked [OPEN]. If you have feedback on a topic that you do not see listed, share it the Open Thread for Feedback on Community. We’ll be here to respond to your feedback and make sure it gets to where it needs to go.
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Community Feedback Hub Updates

Message 1 of 28
2378 Views, 27 Replies

Community Feedback Hub Updates

In this thread, you’ll find the latest responses to issues and feedback submitted by the community.  

Note: We are still working on the format. We are also exploring better ways to allow feedback on the current Autodesk Community programs and products. Please report new feedback in the Open Thread and please report each individual issue in a single post.

In this thread, you’ll find the latest status to issues and feedback submitted by the community to the Open Thread.  These updates will be planned for each Wednesday, except holidays.

Please report new feedback in the Open Thread and please report each individual issue in a single post.


Update November 17, 2021


  • Search takes user to Community Feedback Hub @gherrmanRQ549
  • A way to retrieve information back in a Structured Manner  @A.Acheson 

In Progress

  • Showing Profile Photo Unchecked but it still shows @rkmcswain 
  • Users don't seem to be able to edit their own posts even if enabled @TheCADWhisperer

Future Consideration

Under investigation

  • Posting button is not responsive / slow; when hitting again written answer is deleted @HughesTooling 
  • Cannot attach .mix or .stl files. @hfcandrew 
  • Auto-Scroll to a Post to go below the initial post Or don't show the initial topic post on all pages @pball 
  • Code area' text is being either converted into emoji's or just being completely deleted/omitted @WCrihfield 
  • Add option to product Idea Boards to see recent status changes (e.g. from "Accepted" to "Implemented"). @gherrmanRQ549
  • Sort Newest to oldest doesn't sort correctly @gherrmanRQ549
  • Topic sorting newest to oldest after making reply takes to last page with oldest comments @gherrmanRQ549
  • Labels is written wrong in the filter settings @pendean 
  • Unify/simplify the terminology for components of the forum. @gherrmanRQ549

Needs More Information:


As Designed


Thank You,

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 2 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

October 22, 2021 

Updates on reported issues 


  • Hyperlinks are now bold and underlined. They follow style now. 
  • Emojis have been enabled in posts. 
  • .vba, .net, .ida, .pat, .ctb are not currently supported. 
  • Meshmixer forum is accessible in-product and in the 'Netfabb' category 

Under investigation 

User icon showing as black and/or rolling.  

Option to mark all forum posts as read not working. 

Merging user names.  

We now allow everyone to edit without time limits.


Update November 12, 2021
Note: We are still working on the format. We are also exploring better ways to allow feedback on the current Autodesk Community programs and products. Please report new feedback in the Open Thread and please report each individual issue in a single post.

  • Search takes user to Community Feedback Hub Reported by @gherrmanRQ549 
  • A way to retrieve information back in a Structured Manner @reported by @A.Acheson 

Under investigation

  • The posting button is not responsive/slow; when hitting again written answer is deleted @HughesTooling
  • Cannot attach .mix or .stl files @hfcandrew
  • Non read threads on the forums are not bold 
  • Auto-Scroll to a Post to go below the initial post Or dont show initial topic post on all pages @pball 
  • 'code area' text is being either converted into emoji's or just being completely deleted/omitted @WCrihfield 
  • Add option to product Idea Boards to see recent status changes (e.g. from "Accepted" to "Implemented"). @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Sort Newest to oldest doesnt sort correctly @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Labels is written wrong in the filter settings @pendean
  • Topic sorting newest to oldest after making reply takes to lats page with oldest comments @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Community Hub link to be added to 'Forum Links' @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Community Contributions and Profiles in Drop down @gherrmanRQ549 
  • My Community button to is not meaningful @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Searching and identifying other users by Email @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Unify/simplify the terminology for components of the forum. @gherrmanRQ549 
  • Showing Profile Photo Unchecked but it still shows @rkmcswain

Sorting options on idea boards for old ideas @gherrmanRQ549 
Needs More Information:

Topic sorting newest to oldest after making reply takes to lats page with oldest comments @gherrmanRQ549 
As Designed

Thank you,

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 3 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for being so patient with the new Feedback Hub as we evolve based on your feedback. We plan to post updates on reported issues every Wednesday except holidays. We will be locking this updates thread and making it a sticky topic thread at the top with the next update. This way, it will be clean and clear on the latest updates to the reported issues. If you have any comments related to an item from an update, please post those in the Open Topic thread.

The primary purpose and goal of this Feedback Hub were to get your feedback on the programs we are running and ideas for those community programs such as AU events, blog posts, student community ideas, etc. The Feedback Hub was not intended to be a Community platform issue reporting system. Still, we provided the open thread in case something didn't fit in any of the focused feedback request topics to propose your ideas for the Community Team to look into, consider, and implement.

We are working to accommodate all needs and feedback as your feedback is important to us and improving the Community platforms. However, please be aware some of the platform issues you report may involve internal and external teams. We log your feedback issues and then try to reproduce the issue and then get it to the appropriate team for review, research, and prioritize and plan when it can be addressed.

Thank you,

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 4 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

In this thread, you’ll find the latest responses to issues and feedback submitted by the community. 

Note: We are still working on the format. We are also exploring better ways to allow feedback on the current Autodesk Community programs and products. Please report new feedback in the Open Thread and please report each individual issue in a single post.


In this thread, you’ll find the latest status to issues and feedback submitted by the community to the Open Thread.  These updates will be planned for each Wednesday, except holidays.

Please report new feedback in the Open Thread and please report each individual issue in a single post.


Update November 24, 2021



Notifications Reported by @davidbes

Under investigation / Ticket Logged

Getting logged out Reported by @Ed.Jobe     


Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 5 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Update December 1, 2021

There are no new logged items or changed status on existing Feedback Hub reported issues this week.

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 6 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Update December 9, 2021

There are no new logged items or changed status on existing Feedback Hub reported issues this week.

Notable status update on forums:
Bold is now working correctly. 

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 7 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Update December 15, 2021

There were no new logged items or changed status on existing Feedback Hub reported issues this week.

Notable status update on forums:
BOLD Italic is broken and is being fixed. It was a side effect of the Bold text fix.

We are well aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We will in the new year move issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on.

Please note, there will be no updates the next 2 weeks while the company is out for the holidays. 

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 8 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Update January 5, 2022

There were no new logged items or changed status on existing Feedback Hub reported issues since the last update due to the holiday break. We should have some updates on reported issues in the next week's update.

We are well aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Please note, there will be no updates the next 2 weeks while the company is out for the holidays. 

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 9 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley


January 12, 2022 

We are well aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Updates on reported issues 

Resolved and will be fixed in next forum system update push to production:

  • Labels is written wrong in the filter settings @pendean 
  • Italic bold should be fixed

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 10 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

January 19, 2022 

We are well aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

No new Feedback Hub reported issues

Updates on prior reported issues 

Resolved and will be fixed in next forum system update push to production:

  • Labels is written wrong in the filter settings @pendean 

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 11 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement. 


Update January 27th, 2022 

  • Cannot attach .mix or .stl files. @hfcandrew  – This has been fully resolved. The .mix was resolved and communicated in an older update but the .stl file issue has now been addressed as well and the ticket is fully resolved.  
  • Non-read threads on the forums are not bold - Planned release of fix scheduled. 
  • Users don't seem to be able to edit their own posts even if enabled- @TheCADWhisperer - This has been resolved.
  • 'code area' text is being either converted into emojis or just being completely deleted/omitted - Emojis should be fixed; formatting for color in code is dependent on the coding language used.


  • Unify/simplify the terminology for components of the forum. @gherrmanRQ549 – This is being prioritized and is a part of our standardization in nomenclature/taxonomy. Implementation is targeted for April of this year. 
  • Posting button is not responsive / slow; when hitting again written answer is deleted - Part of this issue could be the individual user´s internet/network, but we know that there are ongoing performance issues and that we need to address this as a performance improvement moving forward.

In Progress 

  • Cannot post .STEP files - @JDMather– This is still in progress to be fixed on the platform. For now, a good standard practice would be compressing the .step file into a Zip file that will be accepted by the platform. 
  • Showing Profile Photo Unchecked but it still shows –@rkmcswain  – This issue is currently being tested has a target date to be fixed approximately by the end of February.  
  • Description for Screencast still lists private as an option even if it is retired - @rkmcswain  – Thank you for flagging this issue, we will be changing the wording.  

Future Consideration 

  • Community Hub link to be added to 'Forum Links' - @gherrmanRQ549 – This is a great idea, and we are taking it into account for our Community improvements for this year!  
  • My Community button to is not meaningful - @gherrmanRQ549 – This is something that we are looking into as a future improvement and priority in order to make it more meaningful wholistically for members. 
  • Forum account creation improvement for name chosen by default - @asdasdfsd2 - We hear you and we are looking to improve the experience for users so they can define their usernames in account creation. As of right now, the username is generated, usually, by the first part of the email, general behavior is that a user's first username is generated from the email that is being used to create the account (beginning not full email).  
  • Community Contributions and Profiles in Dropdown - For now it will stay as it is, we want to address this but need to see with other redesign elements, when and what the end result should be. 

Under investigation

  • Auto-Scroll to a Post to go below the initial post Or dont show initial topic post on all pages - @pball– This is a usage behavior that is under investigation.  
  • Notifications bell get a red dot for indicating there are new notifications but in fact, there are none @-niels-  @Kent1Cooper – This issue has been received and we are looking into it further.  
  • Screencasts cannot be embedded by normal users permissions anymore but by Expert Elites - @JDMather @TheCADWhisperer - Workaround to post screencast recording for non-Expert Elite members, since the embedding is not working, is to provide the direct link. Unfortunately, this is the only update we can give you on this now. For some background, Expert Elite vs normal users, in terms of backend permissions, Expert Elite members have more permissions and benefits through support and other elements from being an Expert Elite member, which is why they are able to do this action.

As Designed

  • Getting logged out - This is as designed, security refresh after a certain period of time is default within the platform for security purposes. If anyone is experiencing randomly getting signed out immediately after signing in or refreshing a page, please post in Open Thread.
  • Topic sorting newest to oldest after making reply takes to last page with oldest comments- This is as designed on the platform.

Important Note: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming soon. With the change we want to make sure that it is a valuable change that will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.  

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights. 





Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 12 of 28
in reply to: Tiana_Y

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement. 


Update February 4th,2022


Ticket Created:

  • Date in private messages gets cut off from replies @-niels- This ticket has been created and the team is working on it. 

As Designed:

  • Old post showed up randomly in the current thread listing - @Kent1Cooper - This can be due to our Moderators sorting through posts and moving them to correct boards, or out of moderation, etc. This is as designed on the platform. 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming soon. With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.  

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights. 




Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 13 of 28
in reply to: Tiana_Y

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement. 


Update February 9th, 2022


Ticket Created:

  • Description for Screencast still lists private as an option even if it is retired - @rkmcswain - Ticket with team has been created. 
  • The "Reply" button at the bottom of an email body from, directs to a new tab of Chrome on Windows 10. - @shdy1975 - Ticket with team created. 
  • Screencast "unmute" does not function on Windows. - @shdy1975 - Ticket created with team. 

In Progress: 

  • Date in private messages gets cut off from replies @-niels- The team is working on this ticket 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming soon. With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.  

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights. 


Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 14 of 28
in reply to: Tiana_Y

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update February 16th, 2022

Description for Screencast still lists private as an option even if it is retired - @rkmcswain 

More Information Required:
Screencast "unmute" does not function on Windows. - @shady1975 

- Please feel free to direct message me to try to determine why your Windows-based browser is not allowing unmute, it is most likely a specific browser setting in privacy settings or a Windows setting.

In Progress:
Cannot post .STEP files - @JDMather  – This is still in progress to be fixed on the platform, but is a more complicated solution required in the platform to support this file type. For now, a good standard practice would be compressing the .step file into a Zip file that will be accepted by the platform.

Future Consideration
Posting button is not responsive/slow; when hitting again written answer is deleted @HughesTooling 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 15 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update February 23rd, 2022



  • Date in private messages getting cut off from replies.


Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.


Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 16 of 28
in reply to: Tiana_Y

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update March 4th, 2022



  • Cannot post .STEP files - Resolved and deployed to production.

In Progress: 

  • Showing Profile Photo Unchecked but it still shows - @rkmcswain 

Need More Information: 

  • Notifications bell gets a red dot for indicating there are new notifications but in fact, there are none - @-niels- and @Kent1Cooper - any additional information you may have, screenshots, etc. please PM them to myself or Shaan so we can further investigate. 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.



Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 17 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update March 9th, 2022



  • Showing Profile Photo Unchecked but it still shows - @rkmcswain 

In Progress: 

  • Auto-Scroll to a Post to go below the initial post Or don't show initial topic post on all pages @pball 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.


Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 18 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update March 17th, 2022

  • No new Feedback Hub reported issues or status updates this week.

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

Message 19 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

We are aware of the need to have dedicated community platform issue reporting that is clear, easy, and with status reporting, and we are working on that now and ask for your patience in this. We are moving issue-reporting out of this open thread to a dedicated issue reporting, tracking, and status process. This should make issue-reporting clear within the community as well as put the focus back on the open topics we are looking for community members' feedback on. We are working on this now and will provide a launch date in a future announcement.

Update March 24th, 2022


Ticket Created: 

  • Add VB to be supported as code language to the Code windows - @Ed.Jobe - Ticket has been created and the team is looking into this further. 

In Progress: 

  • The "Reply" button at the bottom of an email body from, directs to a new tab of Chrome on Windows 10. - @shdy1975 - The team is looking into this but this could also be your own personal "mailto" setting, please take a look at the steps in this article and see if it helps resolve your issue. 

Future Improvements: 

  • Add option to product Idea Boards to see recent status changes (e.g. from "Accepted" to "Implemented"). - @gherrmanRQ549 - The team is looking into this further as an option in future improvements. 

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.


Community Program Manager
Contact Autodesk Support

Message 20 of 28
in reply to: shaan.hurley

Update May 18th, 2022

Under Research
We are currently researching sign-out issues across the Community.

As Designed
Unable to unsubscribe from RSS feed on Open Thread Topic in Feedback Hub  @NigelHay and  @ВeekeeCZ 
You can unsubscribe to subscribed RSS feeds in the RSS reader you use to read the RSS feed.

Important Note Reminder: We have heard all of you who have commented on the formatting of the Feedback Hub. We are working on a solution and a change will be coming With the change, we want to make sure that it is meaningful and that it will reflect the input you all have had. Thank you all for voicing your thoughts on how we collect feedback on the community, we heard you and are working on a solution.

Thank you all for bringing the issues to our attention and for providing us with your insights.

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

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