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Creating learning content, an online presence, and then some

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Are you a subject matter expert looking to take your content creation to the next level? Join Expert Elite Shaun Bryant to brush up on best practices for sharing your expertise with the world.

As an Autodesk and LinkedIn Certified Instructor, Shaun will guide you on how he creates learning content, and how to maximize and amplify it using various social media. He’ll discuss his blog, Not Just CAD!, his new podcast, and how to build an online presence as an Expert Elite.

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is there any registration required?

Howard Munsell
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I clicked the zoom link and it asked for a 'passcode' - I am also curious if advanced registration for this event is available somewhere?

Chad Franklin
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Community Manager

No registration required - URL has been updated to include the passcode. Apologies for that!

Amanda Di Pancrazio

Program Manager, Advocacy & Engagement @ Autodesk

I'm teaching a class that day, will this be recorded 🙂 ?

Howard Munsell
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Hi Howard,
Yes, it will be recorded and shared here after the fact!

Amanda Di Pancrazio

Program Manager, Advocacy & Engagement @ Autodesk


thanks... I thought it probably would, but wanted to make sure.

Howard Munsell
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I missed the online session, please post a video link to watch.


Thanks Shaun! A long experience put to good use! 👍

Patrick Emin animateur de la communauté francophone

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Thanks for the online session. Very insightful!

Best regards!

Camilo Fernández

Civil engineer | Specialist in design, construction, and maintenance of roadways



I've been told by several people I need to look into my Branding :-). how do you know if someone is already using the Brand you came up with? I have several ideas, I've done Google, Linked-in and Facebook searches. This did rule out some of them LOL.  is the only other option to just Use it and see if anyone complains? 

Howard Munsell
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