WOW 40 years! Congrats Autodesk!
I started my Autodesk journey with AutoCAD Release 9, sometime in the early-to-mid 90s, got an AA and certificate in CAD Design in 1998. I started my first job in 1996, designing model trains, parts, and accessories. The most challenging part of that job was drawing a person and a giraffe in isometric view! I also did a brief stint in furniture design during the same time frame, until 15 years ago, when I started Civil design at my current company. Today, I am a design software support agent and work with others to help solve their problems the best that I can. I run an internal Civil 3D user group at my firm (JMT).
I remember the early days of my career, being either the only female or one of two in the classroom. It has been great to see more women enter the field over the years. I have met lots of great people and experts through Autodesk University, Autodesk Group Network, and various user groups and I am happy to call them friends and colleagues.
It has been great to see the progression of the technology since then… my first foray into AutoCAD was DOS-based, and I blocked all that out once the Windows version came along. It has also been fun to dabble in Revit, Civil 3D, and see more and more metadata built into the software. I wonder where things will be 10 years from now… and cannot wait to find out!
Michelle Hood, Associate
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
An Employee-Owned Company
Design Software Support Agent
& JMT C3DUG facilitator
Design Center of Excellence